Having insurance in place can replace income for life, due to unexpected illness, pay out a tax free lump sum on death or diagnosis of a critical illness and pay out on death to cover remaining mortgages, school fees or it can be invested as a lump sum to provide an income for life to your heirs. In addition, we also provide comprehensive advice on how to combat the effects of Inheritance Tax (IHT) on death, using life cover written in trust.
Life Insurance - Protects the financial future of your family, dependants or heirs the event of your death.
Critical Illness Protection - In the UK each year, approximately £1m workers unexpectedly find themselves unable to work due to physical injury or illness. If this happens without the person having insurance, there can be devastating effects. Critical Illness pays out a lump sum which can be invested to provide an income, or used to pay for private medical treatment or medicine.
Income Protection - Replaces the majority of your income if you are unable to work due to illness, injury or permanent disability until you have recovered, or up until the end of the policy term, which could be until retirement age. Contact us for more information and a quote.
Mortgage Insurance - Covers your mortgage payments in the event of you being unable to work due to illness or injury.
Private Medical Insurance - Designed to cover the cost for medicine which may not be offered by the NHS, private operations and ongoing treatment in a private medical organisation such as BUPA.
As Independent Financial Advisors, we are able to assess protection products from the whole of the market, with no limitations in our recommendations. We have relationships with all Insurance Providers across the market, and we have no ties with any other company. Our expert advice is provided by exploring every product available to you.